A murder of crows cackled across the cerulean sky, perfectly painting the blue canvas with a speckling of faraway bird shapes. This was going to be a good one.
As an artist I have found the joyful necessity of quick little walks around the neighborhood, its easy for me to get hyper focused on a project and a fresh interaction with nature and movement is always the perfect tonic for a great day.
Some walks are quiet, some are cold, some are lonely and windy and dark, some are dreadfully hot and all of them make coming home again all the more sweeter.
Today's walk prompted this little post and it was about time;)
After the scene of crows breaking up what has been a week of clear bright skies, I stumbled upon a free box of tangerines. I love fresh tangerines. A few houses later someone had labeled a shoe box as containing free organic limes, I thought that was nice, to let a stranger know they were extra delicious and free.
A few more houses down I got permission to take some discarded old windows from a renovation, for my off-grid recycled window greenhouse of course! (that reminds me I am your girl if you have windows to get rid of! aja@ajalee.com)
It was a fruitful walk today, pun intended.
On some walks you meet people, sometimes animals, some are memorable, like the one where a beautiful fluffy black cat with emerald eyes jetted towards me at full tilt and stealthily squeezed its body thru a crack in the fence to quickly get all the way to my feet as if I was its long lost owner. Sometimes I'll hear a songbird I haven't heard in a while, or run into someone, maybe an impromptu lunch will happen with a friend, or I'll have my best thought of the day.
I hope you get to take a walk today, just leave everything behind and even a ten-minute one is enough to clear the cobwebs of the body and mind. Smell some flowers, run into some bees or butterflies, or hear the crashing of the waves at night in the cold clammy sea air. What are your walks like?